提供214B美国签证被拒签的解决方案!擅长B1签证,B2签证,F1签证,DS160填写奥秘,润色加分DS160表,申请美国签证面谈加分策划!美国工卡,绿卡,商婚,H1B工签,K1签证,J1签证,L1签证,政庇,U类签,EB1A,NIW,EB1C,EB3,EB5,美签拒签原因查询,美国工作安排,美国公民婚姻资源对接,雇主担保移民!赴美生子全程协助(省钱省时省力),美国移民类签证、美国非移民类签证相关问题解答,以及出境入境的方案策略提供! 可以办理、可以咨询、也可以全方位策划,全球接单!热情服务!可以和大鹤语音连线沟通!
If no work required, apply for a reunion residence permit
If foreign Chinese do not need to work in China, they can rely on their immediate family members to apply for a residence permit for reunification.
Apply for a Q1 visa before entering the country
Family members of Chinese citizens (spouses, parents, children, children's spouses, brothers and sisters, grandparents, maternal grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and parents of spouses) who apply for residence in China due to family reunification and family members of foreigners with permanent residence qualifications in China (spouses, parents, children, children's spouses, brothers and sisters, grandparents, maternal grandparents, grandchildren, grandchildren and parents of spouses) And individuals who apply for entry and residence due to reasons such as foster care.
After entering the country, change the residence permit for reunification
入境后, 去中国籍家属户籍所在地或中国籍家属持有居住证的省级出入境大厅,办理“家庭团聚类居留证件”。需提前做相关文件的认证,如结婚证、出生纸的认证,需时大概两个月。
After entry, go to the registered residence of Chinese family members or the provincial entry-exit hall where Chinese family members hold residence cards to apply for "family group cluster residence certificates". The authentication of relevant documents, such as marriage certificate and birth certificate, needs to be done in advance, which takes about two months.
Working in China, applying for a work residence permit
Before entering, apply for a Z visa to enter the country
Before entering the country, foreigners should apply for a foreigner's work permit notice and then apply for a Z visa at the Chinese embassy or consulate abroad.
Materials for Foreigner's Work Permit Application
1. Original valid passport for foreigners
2. Original health examination certificate
3. Education certificate (embassy authentication required)
4. Proof of over 2 years of relevant work experience
5. Official certificate of no criminal record issued by the applicant's country of nationality or long-term residence (region) (embassy authentication required)
6. Relevant documents and other information of the company
Change long-term work residence permit after entry
After entering China, foreigners can apply for a long-term work and residence permit to legally and legally work in China. Currently, it is also convenient for foreign Chinese to apply for a residence permit:
The Ministry of Public Security has previously launched eight measures to facilitate entry and exit, including providing visas and residence facilities for foreign Chinese. For foreign Chinese who need to work, study, visit relatives, and engage in private affairs in the local area and need to stay for a long time, a residence permit with a validity period of no more than 5 years can be issued according to regulations.
Chinese permanent resident ID card, second only to ID card documents!
The Chinese permanent residence identity card is a coveted "passport" for foreign nationals to live in China. However, the application materials for permanent residence in China are numerous, the application procedures are complex, and foreigners need to meet many conditions to apply for a Chinese green card.
However, they are particularly friendly to foreign Chinese and can apply directly if they meet the following conditions:
1. 具有博士研究生以上学历
2. 且持有工作类居留许可在华工作的外籍华人
Foreign Chinese PhD holder
1. Possess a doctoral degree or above
2. Foreign Chinese who hold a work related residence permit to work in China
1. 在华企业连续工作满4年
2. 每年在中国境内实际居住累积不少于6个月的外籍华人即可向公安机关出入境管理部门申请在华永久居留
Foreign Chinese employee
1. Having worked continuously in a Chinese company for at least 4 years
2. Foreign Chinese who have resided in China for at least 6 months each year can apply for permanent residence in China to the entry and exit management department of the public security organ
After applying for a Chinese green card, foreign Chinese can enjoy corresponding public services and convenience when handling financial, educational, medical, transportation, accommodation, work, tax and social insurance, property registration, litigation, and other affairs in China.
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