作者:美签找大鹤 | 美签214b拒签再签,美国签证拒签重签通过,214B拒签原因查询
如何申请美国工签?怎么成功拿到美国H1B工作签证?美国打工签证办理公司机构推荐阅读:美国工作签证申请附件【Cover Letter】作为申请文档的封面,主要是让收件官员更一目了然这份文档文档的用意以及涵盖内容,也能当做自己的一份确认清单。⚠️ 以下范本仅供参考,实际情况务必视个人申请个案情况来调整,请勿直接硬抄不改。
● Petitioner:申请人(公司/老板,与 I-129 表格一致)
● Beneficiary:写下受益人/员工姓名(你的名字)
● Purpose: 写下本份文档包裹的目的,例如 ─ Enclosed are the materials for H1B Petition (Cap 类别) from XXX company for one beneficiary XXX.
● Index of Documents:列出全部文档明细 (仅供参考,实际准备内容请以个人状况为准)
(a) A check of $2,500 (for Premium Processing Service fee)
(b) A check of $460 (for I-129 application fee)
(c) A check of $500 (for Fraud Prevention and Detection fee)
(d) A check of $750 (for ACWIA fee)
(e) A check of $4,000 (for Public Law 114-113 fee)
2、Application Forms:
(a) Form I-129.
(b) H Classification Supplement to Form I-129.
(c) H-1B Data Collection and Filing Fee Exemption Supplement.
3、Supportive Documentation:
(a) Certified Labor Condition Application – ETA 9035E.
(b) Petition Letter from XXX company. (公司雇主的请愿信,模板见下方)
(c) Copy of beneficiary’s Diploma.
(d) Copy of beneficiary’s Transcript.
(e) Copy of beneficiary’s I-94.
(f) Copy of beneficiary’s I-20.
(g) Copy of beneficiary's Driver's License/ID Card.
(h) Copy of beneficiary’s Social Security Card.
(i) Copy of beneficiary’s EAD Card.
(j) Copy of beneficiary’s Passport.
(k) Copy of beneficiary’s Resume.
(l) Copy of beneficiary's Offer Letter.
(m) Copy of Last 2 Pay Stubs
(n) Copy of W-2
4、Duplicate Copy【Petition Letter】
Case Type: H-1B XXX Cap (填入申请归类)
Petitioner: 公司/雇主名
Beneficiary: 受益人/你的名字
Position: 工作职称
Dear Sir / Madam,
This letter is submitted in support of the petition of XXX(公司名) to classify Mr./Ms. XX(受益人名), a 国籍's national, as an H-1B nonimmigrant in the specialty occupation of XX on a temporary basis. The intended period of employment is three years beginning(工作开始时间年月日).
The Petitioner(这里是吹公司的段落)- Headquartered in New York, XXX(公司名) is a nine-year old global provider of high quality and cost-effective Information Technology Services. We offer a range of expertise aimed at helping customers reengineer/reinvent their businesses to compete successfully in an ever changing marketplace. We boast of one of the highest customer retention rates in the industry.
The Position Offered(描述该职位的工作内容职责)- This specialty occupation position of Software Engineer(职称) within XXX (公司名) requires as a minimum a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in Computer Science, Engineering(相关专业) or closely related field. (接着描述更多任务作职责)
The Beneficiary(吹捧自己的时间)- XXX(受益人) continues to qualify for this specialty occupation position of Software Engineer as he has the equivalent of a U.S. Master’s degree in Computer Science and has over 10 years of experience in Software Development. (还可以继续吹捧更多杰出事迹)
I sincerely hope that the above establishes to your satisfaction Mr. XX’s qualifications for the post offered and that, based on his professional accomplishments and his unique abilities, his case for an H1-B1 classification will be deemed acceptable.
Terms of Employment(一些工作合约细节)- Mr. XX's services will be required for a period of three years. I understand the temporary scope of Mr. XX's employment and have informed him of this condition. If Mr. XX is dismissed for any reason before the end of the period of authorized admission, we agree to pay the reasonable costs of return transportation for Mr. XX to the country of his last residence. We also agree to abide by the conditions of the Labor Condition Application.
Mr. XX will be paid a salary of XXX USD per year, with expected annual increases to the base amount.
Yours Sincerely,
Signature of 老板,老板职位
我是美国签证找大鹤,可以教会你如何保护好自己的隐私申请美国签证,可以教会你美签、工卡、绿卡等全方位的申请流程、步骤、DS-160填写奥秘、如何润色DS160细节点加分,以及和美国签证官面谈关键点,怎么引导美国签证官给你加分,入境风险规避技巧等。微号为:7个字母,美国缩写为:usa,后面大鹤读音为:dahe所以大鹤的微号是:usadahe,大鹤从2005年开始到现在只专一研究美国签证(常规类美国旅游签证、美国留学签证、美国商务签证、美国探亲签证),可以帮你解答关于留学、赴美生子全方位策划、工签、商婚、美国工作签证H1B,其他K1.J1.L1.H1B.T类美签,工卡,婚绿,政庇等,规划美国合法打工,获取工作签证,婚姻绿卡,L1签证Administrative Processing、访问学者J1签证,EB1A、NIW、EB1C、EB3、EB5、等等移民相关问题。同时美国接机、美国住宿、美国工作都可以帮你。全方位策划,一手老字号,认准九佛网!广告语:美国签证找大鹤,诚信靠谱又专业!
合并起来美国签证找大鹤 微信号:usadahe