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It is a well-known fact that when foreigners work in China, both the foreigners themselves and the enterprises in China that employ foreigners must plan the work permit application in advance. Otherwise, there will be punishment risks related to illegal employment and illegal employment. Foreigners with work permits and work residence permits can work in China legally. But how much do you know about the principles of work permit planning? Dahe made a detailed analysis and interpretation for you.
What is a work permit?
The work permit for foreigners is to merge the original "work permit for foreign experts" and "employment permit for foreigners" into "work permit for foreigners". We remind you that "work permit for foreigners" "It is a necessary legal certificate for foreigners to work in China. Usually, the employer logs in to the system, submits application information online and provides relevant electronic materials. The acceptance agency will conduct preliminary review on the materials submitted online. After the review is passed, the" work permit notification "will be issued, and then the" work permit for foreigners "will be applied for. Foreigners who meet the requirements can work in China in compliance after obtaining the work residence permit for foreigners.
Work permit application cycle?
Many enterprises or foreigners fail to control the time when applying for work permits, thinking that it is not too late to prepare one month before the visa expires. This is actually a very high risk. First of all, when an enterprise employs foreigners for the first time, it needs to apply for external qualifications and file an application with the Ministry of public security. Only enterprises with compliance records are qualified to directly employ foreigners. For enterprises that have never had relevant employment experience, it takes about 1-3 working days from the preparation of relevant review materials to the filing of the application to obtain external qualifications. After the above work is completed, the work permit application procedures can be carried out. The official acceptance time of work permit notification application is 12 working days. In addition, the material replenishment and return process in the data preparation process makes the actual operation even longer. When the work permit notice is obtained and the work permit and work residence permit are applied for, an additional 5 working days are required for review. After the review is completed, an appointment is made for on-site processing, and the certificate is obtained within 7 working days after the on-site acceptance. Therefore, if you want to legally plan relevant work matters, at least two months should be reserved to prepare relevant applications, so that you can complete relevant application procedures in a timely manner. (Take Shenzhen as an example)
Can I work with a residence permit for family reunion?
No, Chinese law stipulates that foreigners must apply for a work permit for employment in China. Otherwise, they will be illegally employed. Those who are light will be fined and those who are serious will be deported.
What are the difficulties in applying for work permit?
The difficulty of work permit application lies more in the process of applicant condition review, post responsibility planning and work history matching. Different places also have different emphasis in the audit, and the policy implementation standards are slightly different. What nationality, in which city, and what position to apply for, all require case analysis before making relevant suggestions and decisions. If the application is submitted rashly, any information mismatch will lead to the failure of the application. However, China's audit system is connected to the national network, and any application record of failure in any city means that it will be more difficult to apply in the future. Many foreigners do not understand the relevant policies, forge relevant supporting documents under the guidance of bad institutions, and are suspected of falsifying personal data. They do not want to apply for work permits in the short term.
Do you apply for work permit to an overseas institution or a domestic institution?
With the gradual warming of China's economic development, more and more foreigners want to apply for work permits to work in China. Before coming to China, many foreigners did not have relevant experience in handling work permits. They thought that the visa agencies in their own countries were able to assist them in handling relevant status, so they did not hesitate to entrust them. It is undeniable that many overseas institutions have rich experience in assisting foreigners to apply for tourist visas in China. However, compared with the tourist visa, the application process and complexity of the work visa are far more complicated than the tourist visa. In addition, most work permit related procedures need to be connected with domestic government departments. Foreign institutions are generally not timely and familiar with domestic policies. It is suggested to find professional institutions in China to handle relevant identity formalities so as not to delay your trip.
What is the difference between domestic work permit agencies?
Domestic work visa agencies should also do their homework when screening. Many institutions do not have any handling experience, and carry out secondary packaging according to online information, peddle outdated information, and cheat the applicant's trust. China's work permit application will change the competent examination standard in real time according to the situation of domestic applicants. For example, when applying for a work permit, there is a point system, and the inexperienced organization will inform the applicant that the points can be applied for. However, even if the points are met in some places, the personal conditions will not be accepted if there are some deficiencies. These application experiences will not be known to the organizations without practical cases. If they fail to apply, they will enter into endless disputes and wrangles. The organizations with conscience can refund the fees quickly, while those without conscience can not even guarantee the refund. In the end, they can only face the dilemma of being unable to enter the country and work in compliance.
For many applicants, the success rate of work permit application is the first, and the second consideration is the cost (of course, for many people, the cost is the first consideration). In any case, the cost is an unavoidable topic. At present, there are more and more institutions handling work permits in the Chinese market. Prices vary from thousands to tens of thousands. The price decision is related to the difficulty of application on the one hand and the number of applicants on the other hand. For example, when foreigners apply for work permits, they want to complete the identity conversion as soon as possible and prepare for compliance work. Therefore, they need to spend a lot of energy to assist the applicant in data preparation and review. The application environment should not be wrong, so as not to delay the application time. Or if the enterprise has a fixed demand every year and needs to solve the identity problem for the foreign principals or relevant partners of the enterprise, more cooperation benefits can be provided with the fixed number of applicants.
How to apply for foreigner's work permit and work-type residence permit?
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